GREEN FINS Environmentally Friendly Diving and Snorkeling Practices:
Customer Do's and Don'ts
As a Green Fins member we are committed to protecting our marine life, please help us by following these simple guidelines
7 Things Divers Must Do:
Practice buoyancy control and photography skills away from the reef
Ensure gauges, regulators and other equipment are secured and do not drag over reefs
Avoid stirring up sediment by keeping your distance
Hold on to rock or dead coral if you need to hold onto something
Respect marine life and shoot photographs without altering or disturbing the environment
Practice advanced finning techniques (e.g. finning backwards, pivot finning and frog kicks) to avoid causing damage to reefs
Support conservation and champion the best practices to ensure the sustainability of our beautiful and fragile coral reef environments
7 Things Divers Must NOT Do:
T ouch or step on coral
Feed the fish
Wear gloves
Chase, touch, spear or capture any marine life
Place cameras on reefs or move marine life to capture a better shot
Collect marine life souvenirs from the beach or ocean – you may be breaking the law